Where are they now?
Celia Zhou
My name is Celia Zhou, and I will be attending Wake Forest University as a Stamps Scholar this fall.
I have been with The Food Ark(TFA) since the formation of the organization, and the growth that I have seen really amazes me. I feel so fortunate to be a part of such an innovative and passionate group of people that are really trying to change the standards of living for our community members. Part of The Food Ark's mission statement is to develop young and aspiring leaders. And that's exactly the impact that TFA has had on me. The past 2 1/2 years has been full of growth on both the personal and organizational level. There have been so many wonderful opportunities, such as volunteering at Oak Outreach Center, working with Cooking Matters classes sponsored by Inter-faith Food Shuttle, and pitching to the Jamie Kirk Hahn Foundation for the Fresh Food Challenge. I believe that if we are able to continue our organization's development, we really are going to be able to make an impact on our school, our county, and even our state.